Thursday, 14 July 2011


Yesterday was the start of pre-season training and, my god, some of it was tough. The intense fitness training was punishing. We had to run a series of sprints(more like fast runs) to and from cones and get back to the start within 25 secs, doing that 5 times with 30 second rests in between. Obviously that doesn't mean much if you don't know the distances, but I'm pretty sure that combined distance was over 100m and it had 3 turns in it. The fourth and fifth were horrible, but that kind of thing always feels worth it. We also did a series of exercises that included burpees, mountain walking and some little bend-jump thing. The rest was ball-related stuff and the match at the end was fun.
If I hadn't of been invited I probably would never have turned up, so now I have been once I am happy to keep going! I'm off to a festival for three days now though and then off to a friend's for a couple of nights in Exeter a day after I get back from that, so not much fitness for me over the next week :S

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack! Lots of little sprints with tiny breaks are* punishing. Burpees too. That's good that your like football so much because then it is easier to want to exercise. Have fun at your festival!

    :-) Marion
