Tuesday, 12 April 2011

New Route!

So today I tried running on the cycle path for the first time. After having a wander yesterday, I felt I knew which was the best way to run there. I also thought that my iMST app would measure the distance for me, but it decided it didn't want to(though, it was probably something I did wrong).

When my alarm went off I somehow justified putting getting up off for another 15 minutes, and then eventually forced myself up and had my banana. I set off on my run at my normal pace of about 8 minute miles, which was fine for a while.

I was slightly worried that I'd go wrong somewhere and miss the cycle path like I did on my walk yesterday but, after about 7 minutes of running, I found it. This gave me a boost, but it didn't last long as I started to flag. I had to slow down, but this turned out to be a good thing. Running at something around a 10 minute mile was much more comfortable and I kept it up for the rest of the run.

I've tried to run at a slower pace before, but I get a bit self-conscious and think people will judge me. Without all the cars driving past I didn't seem to worry. Probably because everyone else on the cycle path is exercising ans they know that not everyone can run at superhuman pace!

I got back to my door feeling knackered, but that's mainly because of the nasty hill just before my house. I did NOT enjoy that! Despite being knackered, I felt very good about the run as a whole and the fact that I'd run 36 minutes, my longest yet, and probably could have run for longer. As my app didn't want to work I don't know exactly how far it was. But it must have been between 3.5-4 miles. Yay!

After that, some lovely cold buttered toast, nom nom noms! Now for lectures and revision all day, or more likely an hour of Facebook and then back to my house...

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