Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Silly Boy...

Sons should always listen to their Mother's...
"Don't go to Football, you won't get any sympathy if you injure yourself more" she said.
I thought, no! I want to play Football! So I decided to go along, thinking I'd take it easy. I put my insoles in to my astro turf trainers to try and decrease the risk of further injury. They had been too tight before but seemed ok now I'd worn them a few times.
Had a little kick around with a few mates before the masses got there to try and warm up and I seemed fine for the first half and hour, but then it all went a bit pear-shaped. About 40 minutes in I rolled my ankle in the same fashion that I got my injury in the first place. I immediately went in goal to rest a bit and it seemed ok after five minutes, but when I started running again I noticed I had a bit of a groin strain and my heels were now killing because of my insoles. Turns out the trainers weren't loose enough.
Why couldn't I have just stayed at home?... Now I've got some lovely blisters, my foot will stay bruised longer and a lovely groin strain.
Was an excuse to have a lovely bath though!
I'm not telling Mum she was right.

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