Thursday, 9 June 2011

Gym Buddy

When I'm at the gym, I normally prefer it to be empty. What I don't like is when someone is on the treadmill directly beside me. it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable and I often feel like I'm probably being judged. I know it's stupid and something I need to get over it.
I wandered in to the gym at about 3.15 today and thought it would probably be quite quiet, but there were a few people in and someone on the treadmill. No matter, I thought, and just went on the other end one, but then a woman(or girl, she looked very young from the corner of my eye) got on to the treadmill next to me. Oh god, a woman on the treadmill next to me is scary! I feel like I'm in competition and I also think that they'd find me pathetic. Anyway, I carried on, trying to ignore my new running buddy and ended up running 4 miles and then a 'sprint' finish. Felt quite good about it actually.
There was only one person left in the gym once I finished on the treadmill and I often feel bad that I have my headphones in the whole time. I can't help but feel I might befriend some people if I didn't listen to music the whole time. Maybe I should try it some time.
Next I was planning on doing some cycling and rowing, but I decided to give that a miss in favour of some lovely leg weight type things. The outer thigh workout is... strange. Every time I do the first rep, pushing my legs out sideways, it feels like something around my groin area does something bad. There's often a noticeable click and I can really feel it! Anyway, I did those and then some calf and quad things, which I love doing cause I can do the heaviest weight on the quads one :D
I finished off on the mat doing some leg raises and planks etc. My stomach was killing and my calf obviously took a battering because my left calf was hurting on the walk home.
Before I went to the gym I couldn't help but buy some new exercisey stuff so I looked for some deals on I ended up getting some Nike 2 in 1 shorts, some undershorts and some tracksuit bottoms(doh). I'm quite excited about them arriving actually!
My work will, once again, go to waste tonight though as I'm going to the pub, or possibly in to town as people are trying to drag me in... I have my first shift back at my old job tomorrow as well. I could try and not drink much, but I just know that won't happen.

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