Monday, 20 June 2011

Time to get serious!

I've been too casual up to now. I'm pleased with how the running itself is going, but I don't go to the gym consistently enough and often end up not going for 3 days. I'm going to start going on days to do stuff that doesn't include running, like upper body work and mix things up with a long cycle or some more rowing. I reckon this way it will keep things fresher and I will be more likely to keep it up. I also want to go more often, 5 days a week, say, so I can't get out of doing stuff like press-ups/planks/leg raises etc.
Today I did a relatively high intensive run, going for a minute at 7mph and then 30 seconds at 9.5mph. I did that for 15 minutes with a 30 sec 10mph finish and I ended up running about 2.2 miles. I was pretty knackered at the end, but felt like I hadn't done much and I ended up sing all the leg weights in the gym and doing some leg raises as well.
i feel quite good about it and I don't want to go and ruin it now by having a cheese and tomato sandwich, which is what I really want! I had some ravioli as my pre-gym meal and don't want loads more carbs, ideally, but I don't want to have to wait until tea time! I want to avoid this especially today though because I'm going to the pub later and the chances are I'll have a couple of pints, even though I know I shouldn't. No idea what I'm having for tea as well. probably something relatively fattening as Mum seems to be in that kind of mood at the moment. We also eat really late, and although I'm happy to cook for myself earlier(my Step Dad doesn't get back from work until 7 or later most of the time), Mum often doesn't want me to do that for some reason. I definitely fancy chicken tonight.


  1. Hi Jack! Thanks for being a follower on my blog! I finally found yours in a round-about way. Sorry I'm so slow. It will probably take me some time to catch up on your posts. It sounds like you like to do a wide variety of exercises. That's good. :-) Marion

  2. No problem :)
    It's alright, haha, thanks for following as well.
    Yeah, if I can keep it up! Hopefully I will stop finding excuses not to do things :D
