Tuesday 28 June 2011

Naughty Weekend

The weekend just gone was not a good weekend for my health. It mainly involved drinking and eating. Saturday night was a failed night out, ending in a foot long Subway, though it was one of the least calorific, but still not great. Sunday involved a trip to Cardiff for a Pizza Express and then to a gig. The worst part though, was a McDonalds after, which I just couldn't resist. In the morning I got a Subway before we left Cardiff and I thought this would be the end of the weekend binge, but I ended up going to Dad's Monday afternoon and we went to Harvester. Doh!
Anyway, today I was back at the gym for a lovely run. I was planning on ding upper body weights, but I really wasn't feeling it after a tiring 6 mile run with a bit of a sprint at the end, so I just did some bicep curls and tricep things.
I'm off to my mate's now, but I'm determined to avoid the snacks, so hopefully he won't have any available! What I must do though is actually eat some sort of meal.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack! So, how did you do this week? It's no big deal that you had a super fun food-y weekend. Guys your age recuperate from that pretty fast.

    :-) Marion
